
Prompts and a mini-update

If you are anything like me, sometimes the simple desire to be writing isn't enough.  It sounds outlandish, but there are times that no matter all my good ideas or interesting thoughts...I just can't write--It's been known to happen.

And if that is the case than you have probably scoured the interwebs looking for topics and suggestions... oh? Not so much? Huh...guess it's just me, then.  Anyway, in my desire to find journaling/blogging/thinking prompts I came across about 8,860,000 results, many of which were aimed at children.  What's up with that? Only kids need help coming up with topics?!

This is a GREAT blog that provides a prompt on Saturday, lets you respond to it on Sunday, and YOU can link from it to your post for all their followers to read :) it is fantastic blog networking!

Anyway, here, for your enjoyment are the best of the bunch, in my eyes, anyway.  Having shuffled through the different options I hope these sites will help you find some inspiration!

by far my favorite, this one not only provides prompts but a myriad of other nifty, fun, and useful journaling ideas!
this, while a little more aimed for kids, has some good jumping off points
scroll down to the "additional prompts" for some interesting ideas.  If you're feeling daunted by the number of prompts, just skim down the list--if it catches your eye, it's gotta be worth a real look.
while this one is DEFINITELY aimed at young students, it has some great ideas--and remember you don't have to write from your perspective--make it more interesting and choose the viewpoint of someone who thinks completely (or partially) different from you! 

with over 700 different prompts this site could be intimidating.  however, there are some serious gems in there, from "what makes you feel safe?" to "who is one of the most interesting people you've met?"
this one is a little doofy, but being able to hover over the asterisk to see the prompt is a neat way to focus on one at a time :)
I like this one because of the "Prompt a Day" element :) If only I could make myself make the time!
This one is AWESOME because, like the first one, this is, essentially, a site devoted to writing :)  Who could ever complain about that?

Do you have a favorite site to go to when you need a little help? Do you like these? Or are you doing fine without the interwebz help? =D

Oh! The update is that I have a new job :) and so my schedule is a little wonky right now!


Nightingale-was it a vision or a waking dream?

Dearest, I feel certain that I am going mad again. I feel we can't go through another of those terrible times. And I shan't recover this time. I begin to hear voices, and I can't concentrate. So I am doing what seems the best thing to do. You have given me the greatest possible happiness. You have been in every way all that anyone could be. I don't think two people could have been happier 'til this terrible disease came. I can't fight any longer. I know that I am spoiling your life, that without me you could work. And you will I know. You see I can't even write this properly. I can't read. What I want to say is I owe all the happiness of my life to you. You have been entirely patient with me and incredibly good. I want to say that – everybody knows it. If anybody could have saved me it would have been you. Everything has gone from me but the certainty of your goodness. I can't go on spoiling your life any longer. I don't think two people could have been happier than we have been. V

I feel that the above is one of the most beautiful letters ever written.  It is also, sadly, a suicide note--also probably the most beautiful ever written.  It is from Virginia Woolf to her husband.  

I recently finished The Paris Wife, a historical fiction novel by Paula McLain.  Written from the perspective of Hadley Richardson, it details Ernest Hemingway's first marriage and it's downfall.  It is clear, from their respective biographies, that the relationship is doomed, almost from the very beginning.  They both grew up in homes where the women ran the show, to disastrous results for both Hadley and Ernest.  Furthermore, even though they both love the other deeply, Earnest really was too damaged.

He increased the effects of his damage, he perpetually needed validation in everything he did.  When he didn't receive that validation, or it wasn't to his satisfaction, he was cruel and manipulative.  Hadley, who never had the chance to develop herself as a person, never had the chance to be better than he believed her to be.

She was, in many ways, the perfect companion for Ernest.  She just wasn't the perfect wife.  Not because she didn't try but because Ernest would never find the perfect wife.  He couldn't find that happiness.

I understand why Ernest was the way he was, but I can never forgive him.  I would say that he was, in fact, very very ill.  He drank himself stupid, he alienated almost every friend he made, and married four times.

I wonder if The Sylvia Plath Effect is real.  James C. Kaufman posited in 2001 that all poets (although he decided to mention that women poets are more likely to be effected) are more likely to be mentally ill than other professions, such as politicians (which I think that is WAY off--have you ever met a stable politician, really?), artists, and actresses.  It is backed up by other psychological research.

All of this makes me wonder...at what point do we control our illness and at what point does the illness control us?

VIRGINS! *cue thunder!*

October is my favorite month. Halloween is my favorite time of year.  If I could I would live in a Halloween world :)

However, in honor of my favorite month and holiday, I will be linking to tons of fun and funky videos that are Halloween themed! =)

SO, starting off this awesome post iiiiiiis!

And then followed by THIS

With a special guest appearance by...

And Finally:
HAPPY HALLOWEEN (probably another Halloween themed post to come soon)
Special thanks to
Michael Jackson and
Bobby "Boris" Pickett and the Crypt-Kickers! 


autumnal poem

regal trees diaphanous untold
and watch the dying light

hills irascible
horizons where forevers flow

and fading in the ending back
the lifetime slips away


I sometimes wish I could be a hermit.  It would be nice, I think, to live somewhere where I could do that.  Or to live in a Thoreauvian manner, with three chairs to determine my level of socialism.  Three chairs for company, two for a friend to come in, and one to have solitude.

There would be some nice elements to this.  Especially the part where, if I were truly Thoreauvian I would be not too far from town, so I could still engage in my many social habits while cultivating my personal solitude.

Is it any wonder I love the fall?


Super Sonic Rock Stars!

It's officially here. The End Of Summer and The Beginning Of School.  There are few days as exciting and worrisome as the first days of school, but now that I am not in the school going crowd, I know I am going to miss it.  And, ok, yes I will mostly miss the new school supplies, and I will miss seeing my friends, but even the new classes, making new friends, and the feeling that something great is in store for me are all missing.

Oddly, last year I could hardly wait for school to end, and in a lot of ways I am glad I'm not going back yet.  However, there are truths about me that don't care if I am in or out of school.  I will always love to learn, to write, to read.  I like making new friends (something that can be difficult in your hometown), and I like making plans, like having Sanity-Gelato, with those friends.

So, to all my dear friends who are starting new school years, I have only a little advice for you.  Enjoy it to the fullest.  Make un-fun things fun! And... keep in touch, because I miss you!

XOXO Happy new School year!


Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society-A Review

Dear Reader,
As with the GLaPPPS, this post is brought to you in the form of a letter.  Giving glimpses into the lives of our protagonist and her growing circle of friends, GLaPPPS lands the audience in the ravaged remnants of WWII era England, as well as the English Channel.
I cheered, I cried, I laughed. I grew very fond of the characters, so well described in their letters as to become real to me.  The mark of a truly great book, in my view, is one that captivates the reader to such an extent that they feel they are a secret, silent part of the story.  The level of intimacy brought through letters is hard to find, even when reading a persons deepest secrets, as there is a level of suspense that is required in many books. The GLaPPPS provides the suspense by not revealing the immediate responses given from one party to another.  However the interest in the characters and their stories is not dampened or hindered by the omission.  Rather, the longing to understand the inner workings and the sweet friendships that exists between these people propels the reader forward, hinting only at the depths of their intimacies.
Another exceptional element to the letter is the admission of faults.  No where else does a reader find so much self-deprecating honesty as in a letter from one dear friend to another.  The ability to own up to a fault comes much easier when you do not have to see the receptacle to this honesty as they digest such unpleasant information.  In no other form is it so inviting to admit to your own weaknesses as in a letter.
Finally, the reason I suggest reading the GLaPPPS is because the beauty of the story is something no person should let themselves miss out on.  Bringing together the truth of the era, the accuracy of human nature, and the tenderness of real love, the GLaPPPS is a literary treasure I wont soon forget!
All my love,
P.S. There is something so splendid about reading good books, loving good things, and cultivating a mind and body as faithfully as one can that makes every day exceptionally beautiful! XOXO


Back from my World Travels!

Heya! Finally made it back to the US from Ireland!  I could never choose one part of my trip that was the "best" because so much of it was fun, silly, and interesting.  However, just for the heck of it, here is a top 10 list of my trip to Ireland (no particular order!):
1. Driving on the wrong side of the road! I can't tell you how many times I told Kerry "Stay to the Left, you'll be alright." Lucky for both of us, she remembered most of the time!
2. Castles. They are everywhere! On hillsides, at the top of the Cliffs of Moher, even in the middle of a golf course!  It became almost laughable how often we saw them!
3. The Cliffs of Moher.  These cliffs are the largest in Ireland and are completely surprising.  When looking at them rising out of the ocean, all I could think was "Why would anyone ever see that and decide to live there!?"
4. Inisheer Island.  This is the smallest of the Aran Islands and it is an adorable fishing village.  The tour around the island was rushed for us, but was still interesting.  They have the fields all sectioned off with rock walls because the rock needs to be removed to make room for the cattle anyway.  It creates an interesting patchwork of rocks, grass, and cows.
5. Crowley Castle.  After stopping outside of Bantry at the Crowley dairy, Johnny and Dympna sent us toward the castle.  We struggled for a while, but eventually, with the help of a very cute farmer whose land the castle is on, we found it.  As it turns out, it's more like the Crowley Wall.
6. Johnny & Dympna.  We stayed at their B&B, Drumcloc house, and enjoyed talking with them about family.  Plus, I got to take a walk down to the ocean with their two silly dogs. It doesn't get better than that!
7. The Kilarney House B&B.  The reason that this one is included is because it is called the Kilarney House, is located in the middle of Cork City, County Cork, and is run by an Indian gentleman. It was all very silly!
8. Cornetto. This ice cream, featured in the Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy, is DELICIOUS! I highly recommend a trip to the UK with the express purpose of having this ice cream!
9. Northern Ireland.  I have gained a great amount of knowledge, some understanding, and a whole bushel of curiousity about the Troubles in Northern Ireland. Possible topic for an upcoming blog.
10. Coming home again! I know, it seems silly, but when you have had a burger that tasted so weird it seemed like the Devil must have made it (as some kids at the airport gracefully described it), it is a pleasure to come home, even if you have to give up mid-afternoon Guinness.

I hope this little summary helps out and I cannot wait to get back to posting!
World Traveller!