
Super Sonic Rock Stars!

It's officially here. The End Of Summer and The Beginning Of School.  There are few days as exciting and worrisome as the first days of school, but now that I am not in the school going crowd, I know I am going to miss it.  And, ok, yes I will mostly miss the new school supplies, and I will miss seeing my friends, but even the new classes, making new friends, and the feeling that something great is in store for me are all missing.

Oddly, last year I could hardly wait for school to end, and in a lot of ways I am glad I'm not going back yet.  However, there are truths about me that don't care if I am in or out of school.  I will always love to learn, to write, to read.  I like making new friends (something that can be difficult in your hometown), and I like making plans, like having Sanity-Gelato, with those friends.

So, to all my dear friends who are starting new school years, I have only a little advice for you.  Enjoy it to the fullest.  Make un-fun things fun! And... keep in touch, because I miss you!

XOXO Happy new School year!

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